
Up Coming Local Events


2025 Victorian Festival – Superior, NE


May 23rd through May 26th 2025- Join us for the 35th Annual Victorian Festival in Superior, NE over Memorial Weekend. Special this year will also be the celebration of Superior’s Sesquicentennial (150 years) Birthday. 

For 35 years the community of Superior has celebrated the contributions and strength Lady Evelene Vestey blessed our community with – making us ‘SUPERIOR STRONG’ in so many ways.  Our community has changed over the past 35 years but one thing that has not waivered is our strength. Together we’ve made it through hard times and together we continue to grow. TOGETHER WE BETTER!  Thank you to past sponsors, volunteers, families, and friends that have made Memorial Weekend in Superior, Nebraska the place to be! We truly do live in the ‘GREATEST TOWN ON EARTH’!

More Information to Come!

To stay up to date, visit Superior Chamber of Commerce on Facebook.


2025 City Park Renovation

As part of the City’s Parks and Recreation Master Plan the City is taking on the Phase I Renovation of the City Park. This includes new sidewalks, basketball courts, pavilions, construction of a splash pad, and many other improvements. Work is currently ongoing and this phase is planned to wrap up in late 2025.


City of Superior Water Treatment Plant

Beginning in 2024 the City of Superior began working on a new water treatment plant to serve the Citizens of Superior. This is a long ongoing project first envisioned in 2018 as a way to guarantee water quality for the residents of the community through a funding partnership with the Nebraska Department of Energy and Environment State Revolving Loan Program, this project is underway at a considerable benefit to local residents

 Project BOOM II

What is project BOOM?  Building Owner Occupied Momentum is a project focused on the construction of affordable owner occupied infill residential units.  The project was initially funded by a Nebraska Affordable Housing Trust Fund (NAHTF) Innovative Housing Grant and will build five(5) single family homes.  Through the proceeds from the original home sales the City is continuing to reinvest in workforce housing with more construction to take place in 2025. These homes will be marketed and sold with new homes continually built around the Community 

For more local news…

Please visit Superior Express in the meantime.