Mayor + City Council

Meet Our Mayor

Carrie Lemke

The office of Mayor is currently held by Carrie Lemke. Ms. Lemke was the President of the City Council. She assumed the office of Mayor when Chris Peterson resigned in the Fall of 2024. The Mayor is elected at large and is a 4-year term. The Mayor presides at all meetings of the City Council and may vote when his or her vote shall be decisive and the council is equally divided on any pending matter, legislation or transaction and the Mayor shall, for the purpose of such vote, be deemed to be a member of the Council. The current Mayor’s term will expire December 2026.

Meet Our

City Council

The City Council of the City of Superior consists six members who are elected by ward on a nonpartisan ballot. There are three wards in Superior, Beaver I, Beaver II and Beaver III. Each ward has two members on the Council and they serve a term of 4-year terms.

Rick Disney

Beaver III

Sandra Foote

Beaver II

Trenton Morris

Beaver I

Craig Hale

Beaver III

Levi Gunn

Beaver II

Darrell Bradt

Beaver I

City Council Meetings

Meeting Time:

2nd & 4th Mondays of the month 7:30 p.m.

135 W 4th St, Superior, NE