
Our community places a high emphasis on providing top-notch educational facilities for both our youth as well as non-traditional students. This emphasis can be seen through the community’s willingness to reinvest in its future and the overwhelming support of a bond, which funded the construction of a new primary education facility in Superior that opened in August 2011. To see more of the educational opportunities found in our community, please see the information below.

Three excellent preschools operate within the Superior Community:  Head Start, Happy Time, and PALLS.  For more information please contact the Superior Chamber of Commerce.
Primary Education

In August of 2011 Superior Public Schools opened its new $6 million Primary Educational facility conveniently located on the current campus. For more information please visit the Superior Public Schools website:

Secondary Education

Designated a Class C2 school in the State of Nebraska, Superior Public Schools offer a safe and challenging academic atmosphere for its students by providing an excellent academic setting as well as numerous extra-curricular activities. For more information please visit the Superior Public Schools website:

Additional Educational Opportunities

Mid-Nebraska Individual Services: Mid- Nebraska offers a wide variety of community based services including independent living and occupational skills for both children and adults. For more information about their services please visit:

Nebraska offers several opportunities to receive an education online. The following link provides information about every college program offered online in Nebraska that is either full or part-time. For more information please visit: